Mutton and Beef in English French Influenc

Hundreds, maybe thousands of English words and expressions, or anglicismes , have recently crept into the vast French lexicon, and they're not just limited to tech words or online pop culture.

Beloved information technology or hate information technology, learning modernistic French as it's spoken involves advisable utilize of the Frankenstein-esque hybrid derided as franglais .

So unless you want to audio like a 19th-century professor, get comfortable and get gear up to learn about the borrowed English words that ability modernistic French speech.


  • English language and French: A History of Exchange
    • English and French have been swapping words for a long time
    • French has experienced an "English onslaught" starting in the 20th century
  • French Resistance to Anglicismes
    • Loi Toubon (Toubon Law)
    • Dubbing vs. subtitles
    • Bill 101
    • Académie française
  • Examples of Anglicisms and Proposed Alternatives
    • Anglicismes that accept the aforementioned meaning in English
    • Anglicisms that have dissimilar meanings in English or don't even exist in English
  • How Should Y'all Approach Anglicisms in Your Own French Speaking?
    • Acquire the "proper" language beginning
    • Know that in breezy settings, English words are acceptable and mutual
    • Avoid anglicisms in business concern settings, except for "common" English language words

English and French: A History of Exchange

If contemporary discussions on franglais generally refer to the introduction of English words in the 20th century, French and English take a pregnant history of interaction before that to consider, as well.

English and French take been swapping words for a long time

When William the Conqueror invaded England, he installed his cronies equally England's new nobility. For centuries, y'all had a French-speaking elite beingness served by the indigenous English-speaking population. Hence, English items similar "cow," "sheep" and "hog" became "beefiness," "mutton" and "pork" when served to their French overlords. Many such examples of 2 words meaning the same thing can be found in English. In fact, something like 45% of English language words are borrowed from French. Talk near franglais!

French has experienced an "English language onslaught" starting in the 20th century

There are several theories as to why anglicismes are entering French. In offices or other professional settings, for example, many such words are new concepts in French, similar brainstorming or burn-out. They may be left as is since in that location'south no culling. Plus, these words are often less cumbersome than proposed alternatives.

Similarly, in the tech field, or 50'informatique , English words abound. In an Anglo-Saxon dominated manufacture, words similar email , cloud calculating  and open-source are adopted so quickly that linguistic communication authorities barely have time to react.

Perchance the legacy of the British Empire or current American cultural say-so has also given prestige to English amongst some French people, but that's simply speculation.

French Resistance to Anglicismes

A linguistic communication that doesn't evolve is a dead linguistic communication, so adopting strange words should be a sign of the French language'southward vitality.

Given how much French has influenced English, you wouldn't think that some words going the other way would be newsworthy. And it might be easier to have if French were adopting an equal corporeality of words from several languages. What rubs some people the wrong style is that most new foreign words are of English origin, and this transfer is ane-sided. Indeed, French language purists have not taken this sitting down.

Let's have a look at some key issues, institutions and events in this contend.

Loi Toubon (Toubon Police)

Adopted in 1994, the Toubon Law assures the primacy of French in French society. In addition to assuring the denizens's correct to be served in French, the law too mandates the use of French in the workplace, makes sure advertizement occurs in French and obliges public media to use official French alternatives to anglicismes.

Dubbing vs. subtitles

In contrast to many European countries that but provide subtitles to Anglophone television, France has a flourishing practise of dubbing English content. The advantage of this for French learners is that dubbed content is easy to understand, often with each well-known actor beingness assigned a dubber, no affair what the film. Some people point to dubbing equally the reason why the French are not as strong in English as northern Europeans, who may benefit from using subtitles more ofttimes for English language content.

Bill 101

French in Quebec has been called the most regulated language in the world. The Quebecois have resisted assimilation in a ocean of Anglophones for centuries. That they however be equally a viable Francophone community is amazing.

Bill 101, or the Charter of the French Linguistic communication, makes French the official language in Quebec. Information technology guarantees every Quebec citizen the right to receive government services in French, mandates business organisation communication to the public in French and establishes the Quebec Function of the French Language and the Superior Quango of the French Language, amongst other things.

Past almost metrics, the law has been successful. Francophones represent the vast majority of the population, and Quebec is ane of the few places in the globe where English is declining.

More controversially, Law 101 requires all immigrants, even Anglophones, to send their children to French-speaking schools, promotes francisation (think "Stop" signs becoming Arrêt, a step not taken in France) in the public sphere and imposes potent penalties on businesses that don't communicate adequately in French.

Académie française

To understand the problem with anglicisms, it's of import to understand that French is much more regimented than English language in general. Since the founding of the Académie française, authoritative bodies have tried to instill "right" and "wrong" ways to communicate in French. The Académie française is composed of illustrious personalities, mainly famous Francophone authors and academics, who guide the evolution of French and propose the French regime on proper utilise.

Examples of Anglicisms and Proposed Alternatives

I could compose a dictionary of anglicismes, but certain words are used more commonly than others. Many are then widespread that they've entered into "correct" usage.

Anglicismes that have the aforementioned meaning in English

You won't exist misunderstood using certain common English language words in French, such as:

  • week-stop
  • marketing
  • jogging
  • camping
  • networking
  • business
  • digital
  • global
  • smartphone
  • leader
  • chatter (to chat)
  • checker (to bank check)
  • email
  • m anager
  • brainstorming

As would exist expected, many of these words deal with mod (Americanized) lifestyles. These words have not been adopted without confrontation, and if you feel uncomfortable using them, nobody will be offended if y'all utilise these alternatives:

  • week-end  fin de semaine (specially in Quebec)
  • marketing mercatique
  • jogging la course
  • camping campisme
  • networking réseautage
  • concern entreprise
  • digital numérique
  • global mondial
  • smartphone téléphone intelligent
  • leader dirigeant
  • chatter parler
  • checker consulter
  • email  courrier électronique (courriel)
  • director gérant
  • brainstorming remue-méninges

Although some alternatives, like remue-méninges, are unwieldy, others have been adopted into common usage. If y'all're learning Quebec French, for example, take note thate-mail and week-end accept been replaced with courriel and fin de semaine .

This page provides an exhaustive list of anglicismes with proposed alternatives.

Anglicisms that take dissimilar meanings in English or don't even exist in English

The French utilise sure anglicisms that either mean something totally different in English language, or aren't even really words in English.

Some of my favorites are:

  • footing (jogging)
  • after-work (later-hours partying)
  • zapping (channel surfing)
  • flipper (pinball)
  • planning (schedule)

Others to expect out for include:

  • parking (parking lot)
  • basket (basketball game or sneaker)
  • relooking (makeover)
  • break (break in human relationship)
  • baby-foot (foosball)
  • brushing (brushing hair while blow drying)
  • scotcher (to tape, to immobilize)
  • pull (sweater)
  • lifting (facelift)
  • slip (underwear)

Here is a very good list of "false" anglicisms to look out for.

How Should You Approach Anglicisms in Your Own French Speaking?

This is a touchy subject. Linguistic communication teachers tend to avert anglicisms, but in practice, that's how French is spoken by many people, especially the young. Knowing the most popular anglicisms and when it's appropriate to use them will make you a more nuanced French speaker.

Acquire the "proper" linguistic communication first

Teachers accept a bespeak. You lot'll e'er take time to learn not but anglicisms, but how French is spoken colloquially. Start out with what you know is correct, and when yous're confident in this, you can move on to "street" French.

Know that in breezy settings, English words are acceptable and mutual

Amongst friends, yous'll oftentimes hear very artistic use of anglicismes and other forms of slang.

I have personally heard phrases similar:

Je vais checker mon e-mail. (I'm going to check my email.)

Je l'ai liké sur Facebook. (I "liked" it on Facebook.)

Check out French Internet forums (and castor upwards your French on Facebook while you're at information technology) for more. Many examples of franglais are pure works of art!

Yous can expect out for more examples every bit you watch authentic French media and add them to your collection.

For example, you tin make a flashcard deck simply forfranglais words that you run across on FluentU as you lot watch videos on the language learning platform. To add a word to your flashcard decks on FlunetU, y'all just need to click on it as the video plays, then click to add it. Then, y'all can also encounter other videos that utilize the word for more than context.

Avert anglicisms in business organization settings, except for "common" English words

Obviously, you wouldn't speak in formal or professional settings like y'all would to your friends. Particularly in written correspondence, it's best to avoid franglais, too. Certain words, all the same, similar week-stop and marketing, are accepted by the business community either because they don't have equivalents in French or because they've entered into "adult" usage.

Languages evolve, and English has influenced French in a large fashion.

There are many sides to the result, but franglais is real.

If you desire to empathise modernistic French, you'll take to know how English words are used in the linguistic communication.

Whether yous're a language purist or an SMS fanatic, it's up to yous to form your own opinion on and manner of dealing with English use in the French language.


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